MESSAGE SERIES FOR THE NEW YEAR – THIEVES OF JOY The end of the holidays, the cold days, and long winter nights all seem to conspire against our happiness in the New Year. Along with these external challenges, there are also internal struggles that threaten our ability to live with gratitude and enthusiasm. In this series, we will reflect on some of those external and internal obstacles to joy and explore how to overcome them. Effectively doing so is not just a better way to live—it can lead to greater success and influence in whatever we do and in all of our relationships, because “the joy of the Lord is our strength.” – Nehemiah 8:10 This new series begins on January 12th. Fr. Carl will deliver the message series at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Fr. Carl’s Message for Week 4 (Conclusion), Thieves of Joy, begins at 24:30 Fr. Carl’s Message for Week 3, Thieves of Joy, begins at 22:00 Fr. Carl’s Message for Week 2, Thieves of Joy, begins at 21:45 Fr. Carl’s Message begins at 5:25 for Week 1 of Thieves of Joy Fr. Carl’s Message for the Epiphany of the Lord begins at 22:00 Fr. Carl’s Message for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph begins at 18:31 Advent Message Series – The Promise of Christmas A promise fills us with anticipation. It offers hope for the future and gives us something to look forward to. For a promise to inspire hope, we need clarity on what is being offered and trust in its fulfillment. The Christmas season is rich with promises. But what is the true promise of Christmas? What should we anticipate during this season and beyond? Without a clear understanding of what Christmas genuinely promises, we risk missing out on its true meaning and the expectations we can have of God throughout the year. In this four-week series we will look at the Promise of Christmas and hope it offers to all. Fr. Carl’s message begins at 36:30 – The Conclusion of the Promise of Christmas Fr. Carl’s message begins at 19:45 – Week 4, Promise of Christmas Fr. Carl’s message begins at 18:00 – Week 3, Promise of Christmas Fr. Carl’s message begins at 17:00 – Week 2, The Promise of Christmas Fr. Carl’s Message begins at 17:20 – Week 1, The Promise of Christmas PAST MESSAGES FROM SERIES Fr. Carl’s message begins at 17:45 – Week 5 Dangerous Prayers Fr. Carl’s message begins at 22:00 – Week 4 Dangerous Prayers Fr. Carl’s message begins at 19:10 – Week 3 Dangerous Prayers Fr. Carl’s message begins at 22:49 – Week 2 Dangerous Prayers Fr. Carl’s message begins at 21:10 – Week 1 DANGEROUS PRAYERS Fr. Carl’s message begins at 15:35, week 5 The Head Heart Connection Fr. Carl’s Message begins at 21:40, Week 4 The Head Heart Connection Fr. Carl’s Message begins at 23:00, Week 3 The Head Heart Connection Fr. Carl’s Message begins at 19:30 – Week 2 The Head Heart Connection Fr. Carl’s Message for the new series begins at 18:30 – Week 1 The Head Heart Connection Spring, a season of renewal and transformation, marks a period of significant change and transition. Events like graduations, weddings, and first communions symbolize both the conclusion of one chapter and the commencement of another. In this series, we will use the lens of Scripture to seek wisdom on navigating these changes with clarity and purpose. You can forward these videos to the starting point of Fr. Carl’s message for each week of this series. “TRANSITIONS” WEEK 5 (FINAL WEEK) MESSAGE BEGINS AT 22:00 “TRANSITIONS” WEEK 4 MESSAGE BEGINS AT 16:10 “TRANSITIONS” WEEK 3 MESSAGE BEGINS AT 21:00 “TRANSITIONS” WEEK 2 MESSAGE BEGINS AT 21:35 “TRANSITIONS” WEEK 1 MESSAGE BEGINS AT 18:35