Tuesday’s theme: Prayer- The Pathway to Peace and Hope Wednesday’s theme: The Saints and Prayer, Scripture and Prayer, The Catechism and Prayer A Lenten Parish Mission is spiritual refreshment! Plan to attend one of the sessions each day and energize your Lent!! You are encouraged to bring your bible! SIGN UP TO SERVE AT THE FOOD PACKING MISSIONS PROJECT FOR CROSS CATHOLIC OUTREACH! Help us pack 60,000 meals! Click on this link to sign up for the Food Packing event on April 12, 2025 from 8:30 to Noon. It will say “Get Tickets” and you will click on that button to sign up. Bonus service hours given to students who bring friends!! A great Lenten project for the whole family!! Take a moment to watch Bishop Barbarito as he shares the good work that will be done with your donation to the Annual Diocesan Services Appeal. Have You Downloaded FORMED Yet? Our free gift to you! As our gift to you, we have purchased a subscription for one year! On FORMED you will find thousands of Catholic movies, books, bible studies, children’s progamming…perfect programming for the whole family! It is easy to sign up and you can watch on your phone, tablet, computer or tv. If you have any problems registering, please email communications@ascensionboca.org Go to formed.org/signup Enter 33487 or Ascension to select our parish Enter your name and email After you create your personal account, you can go to apps on your TV and search “FORMED” to watch on your big screen! Scan this qr code to watch videos on how to find content, how to download study guides, and so much more with the FORMED App. This is FREE for all Ascension parishioners! Meet the Ascension Worship Band! Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Mondays from 8:30 a.m. – Noon In mid-July, 1000’s of Catholics gathered Indianapolis for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress. (eucharisticcongress.org) This is the year of Parish Eucharistic Revival. In lieu of daily Mass, we are offering Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Monday from 8:30 a.m. – Noon. Come spend some time with Jesus, His Real Presence, in the Blessed Sacrament. Spend the morning or as much time as you wish with Him. You will find peace and rest. Rosary – 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. For our priests, for those in formation, for our country Silent Adoration – 9:30 a.m. – Noon PLEASE ENTER THE CHURCH AT THE SOUTH DOORS. ALL OTHER DOORS ARE LOCKED. Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Mass Children’s Liturgy is back! All kids, pre-school to 5th Grade are welcome to join us for a Gospel lesson created just for them. Our Helpers will be in the church to meet everyone before the readings and lead them to the Family Center where they will hear the Word of God through skits, crafts, songs, and much more! Kids will return to the church in time for Communion. Parents are welcome to join us, as well. Middle School and High School students who would like to volunteer to help with Children’s Liturgy should stop by the Info Booth in the Family Center after Mass to sign up and find out more. Our Information Booth, located in the Family Center is open after all weekend Masses. Register in the parish, schedule a Mass, and get your questions about our ministries and organizations answered while at church. Evangelus is a new platform that allows Ascension Church to stay in immediate contact with our parishioners by email or text message. We encourage all of our parishioners to sign up for this service by clicking the logo below or text accboca to 55321.