Our hospitality ministers provide a welcoming atmosphere at weekend Masses. This includes greeting and assisting parishioners at Mass, helping in the cafe, and answering questions.

Adults serving in any ministry at Ascension are required to complete a background check and an online course called VIRTUS – Protecting God’s Children, where a Code of Conduct will be signed. This is a Diocesan requirement.

You can complete and submit our Ministry and Missions Interest Form and we will be glad to contact you.  For additional information, please contact communications@ascensionboca.org.

Holy Grounds Cafe

After weekend Masses, we welcome our parishioners and guests to join us in the Holy Grounds Cafe, located in the Family Center. This ministry involves working in the kitchen, serving coffee and donuts, and creating an atmosphere of fellowship for our guests. New volunteers to assist in the cafe are always welcome!  For more information, please fill out the Ministry & Missions Interest Form.

Information Booth

Our Information Booth, located in the Family Center, is open after all weekend Masses. This ministry involves registering parishioners, scheduling Mass Intentions, and providing general information about the parish and upcoming events. Please fill out the Ministry and Missions Interest Form if interested.

Parking Ministry

Members of our Parking Ministry assist in the orderly movement of vehicles on the property during high volume times of the year.

If you are interested in joining the Parking Ministry team, please fill out our Ministry and Missions Interest Form.


Greeters are present at the church doors to welcome our parishioners and guests as they come to Mass. Anyone can be a Greeter, all you need is a smile and a handshake!

Duties include selecting parishioners to participate in the presentation of the gifts, taking up the Offertory collection, directing the congregation during the distribution of Holy Communion and distributing the weekly bulletin after Mass. Training sessions are available throughout the year.  If you are interested in joining this ministry, please fill out the Ministry and Missions Interest Form.